Reliable and Easy-to-Install MESHNET 900 Spread Spectrum Wireless Technology
ACI will not be accepting any new orders for any of the products listed below. For units covered by ACI's product warranty, please contact the ACI Technical Support team for further information regarding replacement units."
ACI Item # | ACI Model # | ACI Item # | ACI Model # | ACI Item # | ACI Model # | ACI Item # | ACI Model # |
131061 | RM2402D | 133555 | RR2552B-9V | 131049 | MOD9200LON-B | 131023 | DT2630A-06 |
131062 | RM2402DE | 133979 | RM2107 | 131050 | MOD9200LON-C | 131022 | DT2630A-04 |
RM2402D-K | RM2402D-K | RM2107-TA | RM2107-TA | 131051 | MOD9200LON-D | 131019 | DH2630B |
130662 | RR2552B | 130695 | RM2432D | 131052 | MOD9200LON-E | 130815 | OST2630A |
130694 | RR2552BE | 131063 | RM2432DE | 135545 | MOD9200LON-C-K | 135261 | WT2630ARP |
130694 | RR2552B-K | RM2432D-K | RM2432D-K | 148732 | MOD9200LON-F | 136035 | WT2630AR-PC |
EIQ-1602 | EIQ-1602 | RM2432DE-K | RM2432DE-K | 149460 | MOD9200LON-E-K | 141063 | DT2630A-04-300 |
RR2552BE-K | RR2552BE-K | 130696 | EX2432D | MOD9200BNT-K | MOD9200BNT-K | 142363 | FT2630AE-02-SS |
131045 | MOD9200D | EX2432D-K | EX2432D-K | MOD9200LON-A-K | MOD9200LON-A-K | WT2630B-K | WT2630B-K |
EIQ-1601 | EIQ-1601 | 131048 | MOD9200LON-A | 130230 | RT2602B | WT2630C-K | WT2630C-K |
RT2602B-K | RT2602B-K | 131024 | DT2630A-08 | 137003 | WT2630A-300 | 134791 | WT2630AR |
130659 | WT2630A | 131027 | DT2630AE-04 | 137004 | WT2630B-300 | 134792 | WT2630ARP |
130660 | WT2630B | 131031 | DT2630AE-18 | 142316 | WT2630A-PC-140 | 134785 | SST5630AE |
130661 | WT2630C | 131032 | DT2650A | 142512 | WH2630AR | 135262 | SST2630AP |
130663 | WH2630B | 131033 | FT2630A-02 | 143436 | WH2630A-300 | WH2630B-K | WH2630B-K |
131070 | WH2630A | 133986 | SST2630A | 151163 | WH2630B-300 | WT2630A-K | WT2630A-K |
133985 | WT2630A-PC | 134779 | FT2630AE-04 | 151627 | WH2630A-K | SEN-0604 | SEN-0604 |
134788 | WH2630BR | 134784 | SST2630AE | 131907 | RT2630BE-AC | 134864 | RT2630CE-AC-10 |
147794 | SST5630AE-30' | RT2620AE-K | RT2620AE-K | 134986 | RT2630BE-AC-10 | 138177 | RT2630C-AC-10 |
OA2630A-K | OA2630A-K | 130225 | RT2630A-AC | RT2630B-AC-10-K | RT2630B-AC-10-K | 144904 | RT2630CE-AC-30 |
OST2630A-K | OST2630A-K | 133702 | RT2630AE-AC | RT2630B-AC-K | RT2630B-AC-K | RT2630CE-AC-K | RT2630CE-AC-K |
SEN-0603 | SEN-0603 | 142505 | RT2630A-AC-10 | RT2630BE-AC-K | RT2630BE-AC-K | 136424 | RC2100-CONTROLLER |
SST2630A-K | SST2630A-K | 144903 | RT2630A-AC-30 | 133652 | RT2630C-AC | 130693 | CK2432D |
SST2630AE-K | SST2630AE-K | 130227 | RT2630B-AC | 132919 | RT2620A-K | CK2432D-K | CK2432D-K |
131064 | RT2620A | 131065 | RT2620AE | 134796 | A/DL123A-3V-BATTERY |
ACI’s wireless system is based on MESHNET 900TM MHz spread spectrum technology. This system integrates seamlessly with any building automation system and is suitable for a wide variety of applications. Please contact us to help design your system.
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